publications query

Important note: The pdf documents below are author-generated versions of the manuscripts, provided for fair academic use. In every case, links are provided to the original (published) versions of the articles, which are copyright of the respective publisher.

  • S.N. Agathos, V.V. Dimakopoulos, I.K. Kasmeridis, “Compiler-Assisted, Adaptive Runtime System for the Support of OpenMP in Embedded Multicores”, Parallel Computing, Vol. 110, May 2022, pp. art. 102895
    PDF, DOI:10.1016/j.parco.2022.102895

  • I.K. Kasmeridis, V.V. Dimakopoulos, “A General-Purpose Mapper Module for Adaptive OpenMP Runtime Support”, in Proc. 4th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM 2019), Piraeus, Greece, Sept. 2019
    PDF, Original @ IEEE Xplore

  • S.N. Agathos, V.V. Dimakopoulos, “Adaptive OpenMP Runtime System for Embedded Multicores”, in Proc. EUC 2018, 16th IEEE Int'l Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, Bucharest, Romania, Oct. 2018, pp. 174--181
    PDF, Original @ IEEE Xplore, Original @ IEEE CSDL