Welcome to the Parallel Processing Group (PPG) at the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Ioannina.
The PPG is part of the D.M.O.D. Laboratory and is headed by Prof. Vassilios V. Dimakopoulos. Its main research interests are in the area of parallel and distributed systems, at the theoretical, architectural, systems, analysis and application levels.
The PPG has access to a diverse collection of facilities, including multicores, multiprocessors, clusters and accelerators.
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Contact details (you may also use the contact form):
Room B32, Computer Science & Engineering Building University of Ioannina Ioannina, Greece GR-45110 Tel: +30 265100 8867 Fax: +30 265100 8899 Web: https://paragroup.cse.uoi.gr