
Open-access textbook

Vassilios V. Dimakopoulos has authored a new textbook entitled «Παράλληλα Συστήματα και Προγραμματισμός» (Parallel Systems and Programming), ISBN 978-960-603-369-8. It is written in Greek, and covers:

  • the architecture and organization of parallel systems (multiprocessors, multicores, clusters, etc.)
  • their programming (POSIX threads, OpenMP, MPI)

The book is meant as an upper-undergraduate or graduate level textbook for courses related to parallel systems. It is based on lecture notes of the author, for various courses he taught at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, since 1998.

It is an open-access book, available freely through the “Kallipos” Academic Repository of Hellenic higher-education textbooks.